Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Day 22 - Tuesday

Opening Activity: Grab a copy of the graphic novel "Addicted to War" on the ledge by the window!

Image result for addicted to war

1. Intro and walk through book
2. Reading evidence guide

Monday, February 27, 2017

Day 21 - Monday

Opening Activity: Get you chromebook out and open your web discovery from Friday!

1. Finish the document portion at the bottom of the web discovery!
Web Discovery

2. Submit your web discovery on schoology!
     Only the document portion is being graded!
      Schoology > Unit 2 > Imperialism Web Discovery

3.Work on assignments that you have not turned in yet!
New Deal Paragraph
Four Futures Writing

Friday, February 24, 2017

Day 20 - Friday

Opening Activity: On your table! What does this cartoon say about Imperialism?

Image result for American imperialism

1. Web Discovery!

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Day 19 - Thursday

Opening Activity: NONE

Image result for Thumbs up

1. Futures Writing
Writing Format

2. Submit on Schoology
   - Unit 2: Role of US in the World
      - Futures Writing Paragraph

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Day 18 - Wednesday

Opening Activity: NONE

1. You have the first half of the class to:
      - Finish Ignite Presentation
      - Format Properly: Link
      - Submit Properly: Link
      - Practice!!!

2. You will be presenting the second half of class!

3. Writing Assignment Link

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Day 17 - Tuesday

Opening Activity: None!
Image result for ignite presentation
1. Continue Ignite Presentations!

2. Format and Submit Ignite
Ignite format

Submission Page

3. Futures Writing
Writing Format!

Friday, February 17, 2017

Day 16 - Friday

Opening Activity: None

1. Ignite Presentation demo

2. Project examples

3. Ignite Set up

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Day 15 - Thursday

Opening Activity: NONE

1. Explanation of Task 2
Futures Project

2. Time to work on Task 2
Task 2 Format
         - Schoology
          - Unit 1: Role of US in the World
            - Futures Group Notes

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Day 14 - Wednesday

Opening Activity: NONE

1. You have until lunch to finish reading and taking notes on your future!


2. Go over entire Futures Project
Futures Project

3. Introduce Ignite Presentations and show examples

4. Begin Task 2!

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Day 13 - Tuesday

Opening Activity: On your table, what is the United States role in the world?

1. Unit 2 Preview
United States Role in the World

2. Four Futures
Project outline

Monday, February 13, 2017

Day 12 - Monday

Opening Activity: 7 minutes to fill out this survey!
Responsibility Survey

1. American Exceptionalism

2. Unit 2 Preview!
US Role in the World

Friday, February 10, 2017

Day 11 - Friday

New Deal DBQ Writing Day

Format Link

Due at the end of the period!
  - Schoology
      - Unit 1: Role of Government in Society
        - New Deal Paragraph

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Day 10 - Thursday

1. Quick talk about the quiz

2. New Deal DBQ!

Was the New Deal a success or failure?

Today's Objective:
   - Get through all 8 sources
   - Fill out work sheet with evidence from each document

Tomorrow's Objective:
   - Write a paragraph claiming your opinion on whether or not the New Deal was a success

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Day 9 - Wednesday

Opening Activity: Open your chromebooks and find the quiz
 - Chromebook
     - Schoology
           - Quiz Objectives 5B.1-2 Great Depression (Should be on right side!)

1. Quiz 5B.1-2
    - Black Tuesday
    - Buying on Credit
    - Shantytown
    - Dust Bowl

2. New Deal Acts/Programs
    - Start Date
    - Purpose
    - What it accomplished
    - Opposition?
    - End Date?

3. Mini Bio Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Day 8 - Tuesday

Opening Activity: Write down one thing you learned from the film yesterday

1. Recap film
2. Compare Great Depression to Great Recession (2008)
    - Article 1
    - Graphic
3. Objectives 5B.1+2
        - Quiz Tomorrow
            - Black Tuesday
            - Buying on Credit
            - Shantytown
            - Dust Bowl


Friday, February 3, 2017

Day 6 - Friday

Opening Activity: Take 5-10 minutes as a group to find the most powerful image from the Great Depression and send it to me at kmaulisi@neiu.edu

1. Great Depression Lecture and videos
     Cause and Effect

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Day 5 - Thursday

Opening Activity: What is your favorite and least favorite part of History?

- Discuss Class Structure
     - Web Discoveries
     - Lectures/videos
     - Reading with notes
     - DBQ's
     - Stations
     - Jigsaws/projects

Web Discovery
   - Great Depression - Submit to kmaulisi@neiu.edu

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Day 4 - Wednesday

Opening Activity: We saw this image when we first started looking at the Progressive Era. What is the point of this political cartoon?
Image result for progressive image era

- 10 minutes to set up white board tables
           - Why the group felt reform was needed?
           - Goals the group wanted to achieve?
           - Important accomplishments/Achievements
           - Important people (and why they are important/what did they do?
           - Success or failure and why

- Visit other tables and learn about different Reform Movements
            - 5 minutes per group